Amadeus SSR codes and Airline Specific Codes

Amadeus SSR codes: This complete guide will help you figure out the Amadeus SSR codes. Learn about their importance, how they work, and how they can be used in the real world. This is the place to go to learn Amadeus SSR codes.

What is Amadeus SSR Codes?

Amadeus SSR codes are very important when it comes to flying. These codes, also known as “Special Service Request codes,” are strings of letters and numbers that passengers use to tell planes exactly what they need. They cover everything from food preferences to special help needs, making sure that everyone has a perfectly personalized trip experience.

Personalization is very important in the travel business, and Amadeus SSR codes are the key to getting it. Airlines use these codes to improve the experience of their customers and meet their specific needs. Amadeus SSR codes can be used for a wide range of needs, from medical concerns to pet accommodations.

SSR codes and description of the services that they request

Here are three types of extra services that you can pay for:

1 – Extra services that can be charged for based on Special Service Requests

2 – Requests for earlier seats that cost money (SSR elements)

Note: You can only make paid advance seat requests on flights that use Altéa Inventory or have integrated the interactive seat map with Amadeus.

3 – Manual auxiliary pieces that can be charged for

There may be special ancillary codes for some flights on their airline information pages.

This list of SSR codes should help you find the one you need. If not, check the airline’s information pages: Enter GGAIRxx, where xx is the airline name.

Enter the following if you want to find 6X’s code for driver drive service:


List of SSR codes and description

/As per the deal between Amadeus and the airline, codes were sent by teletype message from the airline.
*You have to use free-flowing words. SRMAAS-ELDERLY PERSON is one case.
For other codes, you don’t have to use free-flow text.
SSR CodeDescription
/ADTKAdvise if ticketed (PNR will be placed in queue 1, category 6 of the responsible office)
*AVIH Animal in hold (specify number, type and pedigree, and container weight and dimensions)
AVMLVegetarian Hindu meal
BBMLBaby meal
BIKEBicycle in hold, specify number (see below)
BLMLBland meal
BLNDBlind passenger (specify whether or not accompanied by guide dog)
BSCTBassinet/carrycot/baby basket
*BULKBulky baggage (specify number, weight and dimensions)
*CBBGCabin baggage requiring seats (specify number, weight and size)
CHMLChild meal
*CKIN Information for airport personnel
CLIDCorporate client code used by all GDSs
COURCommercial courier (specify weight and courier company)
CRUZCruise passenger
DBML Diabetic meal
DEAFDeaf passenger (specify if accompanied by a guide dog)
DEPADeportee, accompanied by an escort
DEPUDeportee, unaccompanied
DOCAAdvance Passenger Information System (APIS) address details
DOCOAdvance Passenger Information System (APIS) visa
DOCSAdvance Passenger Information System (APIS) passport or identity card
*DPNADisabled passenger with intellectual or development disability needing assistance
EPAYElectronic payment for ticket less carriers
*ESANPassenger with emotional support/psychiatric assistance or animal in cabin
*EXSTExtra seat
*FOIDForm of ID
FPMLFruit platter meal
FQTRFrequent Flyer mileage program redemption
FQTSFrequent Flyer service request
FQTUFrequent Flyer upgrade and accrual
FQTVFrequent Flyer mileage program accrual
*FRAGFragile baggage (specify number, weight and dimension)
FRAV First available
GFMLGluten intolerant meal
GPSTGroup seat request (specify number and preferred location)
*GRPFGroup fare (specify fare code)
GRPS Passengers traveling together using a common identity
HNMLHindu meal
*INFTInfant (specify name and date of birth)
JPMLJapanese meal (LH specific – need airline association)
KSML Kosher meal
*LANGLanguages spoken
LCMLLow calorie meal
LFMLLow fat meal
LSMLLow salt meal
*MAASMeet and assist (specify details such as elderly person, handicapped passenger or pregnant lady)
MEDAMedical case (it can be used for disabled passengers needing special attention: follow IATA MEDA procedure)
MOMLMuslim meal
NAMEName (when airline holds reservation under a different name)
NFMLNo fish meal (LH specific – needs airline association)
NLMLLow lactose meal
NSSANon smoking aisle seat
NSSBNon smoking bulkhead seat
NSSTNon smoking seat (seat number may be included)
NSSWNon smoking window seat
OTHSOther service not specified by any other SSR code
PCTCEmergency contact details for passenger
PETCAnimal in cabin (specify number, type and pedigree, and container weight and dimensions)
PICAPassenger in custody, accompanied
PICUPassenger in custody, unaccompanied
RQSTSeat request (include seat number or preference)
RVMLRaw vegetarian meal
*SEATPre-reserved seat with boarding pass issued or to be issued
*SEMNSeaman – ship’s crew
SFMLSeafood meal
SLPR Bed/berth in cabin
SMSASmoking aisle seat
SMSBSmoking bulkhead seat
SMSTSmoking seat (specific seat number may be included)
SMSWSmoking window seat
*SPEQSports equipment
*SPMLSpecial meal (specify food items)
STCRStretcher passenger
SVANPassenger with service animal in cabin (LH specific)
/TKNATicket number in FA element (automatically sent to the airline)
/TKNCTicket number transmission
/TKNEE-ticket number in FA element
/TKNMTicket number in FH element
TKTLTicketing time limit (automatically generated);
TWOVTransit or transfer without visa
*UMNRUnaccompanied minor (specify age)
VGMLVegetarian vegan meal
VJMLVegetarian Jain meal
VLMLVegetarian lacto-ovo meal
VOMLVegetarian Oriental meal
WCBDWheelchair – dry cell battery
WCBWWheelchair – wet cell battery
WCHCWheelchair – all the way to seat
WCHRWheelchair – for ramp
WCHSWheelchair – up and down steps
WCMPWheelchair – manual power (US carriers only)
WCOBWheelchair – on board
*XBAGExcess baggage (specify number, weight and dimensions)
WEAPWeapons, firearms or ammunition carried as checked baggage

For more information, enter HE SR in the command page.


Q. What are Amadeus SSR codes used for?
A. Amadeus SSR codes serve various purposes, from indicating dietary preferences to requesting special assistance. Airlines use these codes to tailor their services to individual passenger needs.

Q. How can I include an Amadeus SSR code in my flight reservation?
A. When booking your flight, inform your travel agent or airline representative of any specific requirements or preferences. They will assist you in adding the relevant Amadeus SSR code to your reservation.

Q. Are Amadeus SSR codes standardized across all airlines?
A. While there are common codes, airlines may have variations to cater to specific services or preferences. It’s advisable to check with the respective airline for their specific SSR code guidelines.

Q. Can I modify or add SSR codes after booking my flight?
A. In most cases, airlines allow modifications to SSR codes post-booking. However, it’s recommended to confirm with the airline directly to ensure a smooth process.

Q. Are there any limitations to the use of Amadeus SSR codes?
A. While versatile, Amadeus SSR codes have limitations. Some services may not be available on all flights or with every airline. It’s crucial to check with the airline beforehand to manage expectations.

Q. How do Amadeus SSR codes enhance the passenger experience?
A. By facilitating clear communication of passenger preferences and needs, Amadeus SSR codes contribute to a more personalized and comfortable travel experience for individuals.


In conclusion, learning how to use Amadeus SSR codes can help you have a more personalized and smooth journey experience. As the travel business changes, these codes show that companies are still dedicated to making customers happy and giving them personalized service.

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